Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What Is The Modern Homesteading Lifestyle For ?

This is a question that covers past, present and future. It's about working together for all those living on and around the homestead and their security, of food, living space, kids, grandparents, jobs, water, fuel, you and your partner and the savings associated with working together, Like the dumbness of sending your kids to day care to be taught by other who knows what and sending your grandparents to the rest home to be treated badly too. It would be smarter to have the grandparents living on the homestead in there little cabin or just down the street and having the kids and the grandparents taking care of each other when you're working on or off the homestead. Then there's the help making meals and the savings that come from the fact that it takes almost as much time and energy to make a meal for 1 or 2 as it does for 6 and is much more fun eating together. Growing a garden is a lot better too. The grandparents cant do all the digging , but there are lots of weeding and watering that they can do , especially if you find ways to make it easier, like dip irrigation, a seat with big wheels that can go down the rows for weeding. The list of reasons for homesteading will grow as you start thinking in this way and living this way. When you're the grandparents farther down the road, you will be a lot happier there than in the rest home. There on the homestead you will get to see your grand kids growing up and helping you do the watering and weeding .


  1. I'm from the dairy goat forum and decided to take a look at your blog. I admire what you are doing with your life and I completely agree about children and grandparents. I'm fortunate to have my in-laws close by, in fact our goats are on their property because we live in town. Good luck.

  2. I so agree that families should stick together, that is what is wrong with our societies today, there is no family solidarity. I think we would all be a lot happier if we changed our priorities and got back to what is really important and satisfying in life and it is not about who has the flashiest car or the biggest house or about the labels in your clothes. A trip to your local thrift store will be all it takes to convince you that we are a "throwaway" society that is never satisfied with anything and always wanting more, more, more, and none of it brings happiness.

  3. You are so correct...I homeschool my little boy, even as a single-working Mom....there is no way I'd put him in the hands of strangers/or our public-school system/especially in the state it has come to these days.
    And regarding our elderly it is so sad how little 'stock' we put in their importance in our society, etc. pretty much every other culture values their elderly so highly....might tell us why our society is going so badly overall....but thank God for forward/'backward' thinkers like you, (meaning going back to the old-ways/the better ways)...........
